Is UK Colder Than Canada?

When it comes to the weather, Canada and the UK are often compared. Some people say that the UK is colder than Canada, while others insist that Canada is far more colder. So, which country is really colder? In this article, we will explore the weather conditions for both countries and try to find an answer to this question!

If you’re in a hurry, Is UK colder than Canada? The UK can seem colder in reality but in actual fact, when it comes to temperature measurements, Canada can report a lower degrees Celsius, read through this article to find out why.

Is UK Colder Than Canada?

Generally speaking, the UK is colder than Canada.

The average temperature throughout the year in the UK is about 11 degrees Celsius, while the average temperature in Canada is about 17 degrees Celsius. However, it is important to note that the climate in both countries are very much different.

Difference Between Climate in the UK and Canada?

The UK has a temperate climate, while Canada has a continental climate. This means that the UK experiences more extreme weather conditions than Canada during each year. For example, the UK is more likely to experience heavy rain and strong winds than Canada.

Some people say that the UK is colder than Canada because of its proximity to the North Atlantic Ocean (which bares north of the UK) and the ocean has a cooling effect on the climate, which can make the weather in the UK feel much cooler than in Canada.


The temperature is not the sole reason for the UK being colder than Canada though, it is the humidity, The air is much damper in the UK than it is in Canada, which can make it feel colder.

Why is the UK warmer than Canada?

Let us go through the reasons why Canada may have a lower temperature but how the UK can feel colder.

Size of the UK

The first is that the UK is much smaller than Canada, meaning that there is less land to absorb the sun’s heat. This is why the UK is often cooler than Canada, even though the average temperature is higher.

UK’s Proximity to Water

Another reason is that the UK is much closer to water (North Atlantic Ocean) than Canada is. The ocean has a cooling effect on the climate, which can make the weather in the UK once again, much cooler than in Canada.

Is Canada Colder Than The UK Country?

Because Canada is a larger country, it has more land mass to absorb the sun’s heat. Combine this with the fact that it is further away from any large bodies of water and has a continental climate, it is no wonder that Canada feel more warmer than the UK even though Canada can have a lower temperature.

Why Does Canada Get Colder Than the UK?

Canada has ocean currents that bring cold water from the north, which can make the weather feel colder than the UK and because of the size of Canada, this weather can linger for longer periods of time as it has more landmass to absorb and maintain temperature, where as in the UK, as mentioned above being a very temperate climate, the weather can change more frequently.


To sum it all up, is UK colder than Canada? The UK can very much feel colder than Canada because of the humidity and proximity to water and its smaller size.

All of these factors make the weather in the UK feel much cooler than in Canada, even though the average temperature is higher.

Is the UK colder than Canada? It is a valid question to ask, as both countries are located in different parts of the world. The UK is located further north than Canada, which means that it experiences cooler temperatures overall. However, individual weather patterns can vary greatly from one year to the next. So, while the UK might be colder than Canada on average, there could be a particular year where the reverse is true.